Tutorial 37:05 – Set Up Raspberry Pi Desktop Dev

Here we go again,

The brand new series continues, this time where we all contribute to the development of the game.

This is the final video in the setup series, as I have shown how to set up for both Windows and Linux (Ubuntu), also how to set up the Raspberry Pi 4 and now for those of you wanting the Raspberry Pi experience, then this video is for you. 🙂


Yes, after an intense debate around all things development “Hunchback” was chosen, using the development tools “Kick Assembler” and VS Code.

Commands and Links Raspberry Pi Foundation : http://www.RaspberryPi.Org

Setting Up Raspian Desktop
sudo apt update
sudo apt install
build-essential module-assistant dkms
sudo m-a prepare

sudo sh /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
sudo reboot

sudo adduser pi vboxsf
sudo usermod -aG vboxsf pi

sudo pip install pygame

PiMyLifeUp : https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-visual-studio-code/ wget https://packagecloud.io/headmelted/codebuilds/gpgkey -O – | sudo apt-key add – curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/headmelted/codebuilds/master/docs/installers/apt.sh | sudo bash

VSCode Extensions Required :
Python Kick Assembler (C64)

MagPi Web Site : www.magpi.cc
Code for Games : https://github.com/TechnoVisual/Pygame-Zero

WireFrame Web Site : https://wireframe.raspberrypi.org/
Code For Games : https://github.com/Wireframe-Magazine/Code-the-Classics

Compiling and Installing VICE :
sudo apt-get install build-essential byacc texi2html flex libreadline-dev libxaw7-dev texinfo libxaw7-dev libgtk2.0-cil-dev libgtkglext1-dev libpulse-dev

tar -zxvf vice-3.0.tar.gz
cd vice-3.0
./configure -enable-fullscreen -with-pulse -with-x -enable-gnomeui make sudo make install

sudo cp -vR ~/Downloads/vice-3.1/data/* /usr/local/lib/vice