Tutorial 55:01 – 6502 Simulator and Debugger (C#)
I was asked by a Patreon, if I had considered writing a book for beginners who want to learn 6502 Assembly. So with some persuasion, I decided to do exactly that.
But I also wanted some tools that would help the beginner understand the 6502 and its instruction set, and there really was not a tool that did exactly what I needed it to do.
So here goes, with a custom built tool, that will be the heart of the book I will be writing.
I hope you enjoy 🙂
This stream took place on 30th November 2023
Unfortunately, in between the last stream and this stream I lost my best Friend due to Old Age. Aston was a beloved pet by all of the family that knew him, and like Nico, he will never be forgotten.
You can get all the tutorials and source code from my Git Hub Repository at https://github.com/OldSkoolCoder/
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https://www.patreon.com/OldSkoolCoder, Thank You.